
The Merrimack Valley Stormwater Collaborative is a coalition of the 15 MVPC member communities working together on regional approaches to cost-effective stormwater management.

The Collaborative, represented by DPW personnel and other Planning/Conservation staff and volunteers, meets the first Wednesday of every month @ 8:30 A.M. at MVPC offices, 160 Main Street, Haverhill, MA.

The Collaborative is focused on  intermunicipal coordination in training, public education and best management practices implementation, all key elements in each community’s Stormwater Management Program and compliance with federal Environmental Protection Agency’s  NPDES Phase II regulations and the MS4 Permit for Massachusetts.  EPA, under the Clean Water Act, requires that each designated urbanized area community reduce, to the maximum extent practicable, the discharge of untreated stormwater runoff into municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4).

Initial funding for the Merrimack Valley Stormwater Collaborative was provided through a Community Innovation Challenge Grant awarded by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Administration & Finance.   The regional project is designed to achieve service efficiencies and realize cost savings through inter-municipal collaboration in education & training, sharing of equipment and infrastructure management databases, joint procurements, and standardization of policies and procedures,